“Digital Natives’ view technology as an environment, not a tool.” – John Couch, VP Apple Education.
This site will include educational tools for the integration of technology into the early childhood classroom. There will be editorials associated with selected professional articles that are related to instructional technology. A list of web links will be included for references to early childhood educational sites. Another list of professional resource links provides options for lesson plan development and ideas for resources. Scroll to the bottom to see the featured link of the month. Also, please complete the survey for my data collection.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Differentiated Instruction

One of my favorite speakers (and her website is listed in my favorite websites for teachers) is Tammy Worcester. She presented at GaETC about teaching using Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory. She has created this resource that is divided into web resources by each type of learning. One website that she demonstrated was called Bloxorz. It is under the kinesthetic realm, but is also a problem solving activity. Give it a try!!!


Misty Rollins said...

This is a very neat resource. It is very useful, especially for the big word, differentiated instruction. I find this type of instruction to be very difficult and it is helpful to have resources like this to use.

Lindsay said...

I have never heard of her, but now I want to learn more. Thank you for sharing your resources. You always have GREAT ones!