“Digital Natives’ view technology as an environment, not a tool.” – John Couch, VP Apple Education.
This site will include educational tools for the integration of technology into the early childhood classroom. There will be editorials associated with selected professional articles that are related to instructional technology. A list of web links will be included for references to early childhood educational sites. Another list of professional resource links provides options for lesson plan development and ideas for resources. Scroll to the bottom to see the featured link of the month. Also, please complete the survey for my data collection.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle

On Monday, November 3, 2008, I will present a workshop at the Georgia Independent Schools Association conference in Columbus, Georgia with two fellow colleagues. The presentation will be about an integrated lesson that we created for a first grade class. It integrates language arts, math, science, art, and research skills with technology throughout. Here is the PowerPoint presentation, and for the documents we used, go to http://firstgradegrouchyladybug.wikispaces.com/


Misty Rollins said...

I clicked through your powerpoint and I love the activities that you used to integrate several subjects with using technology. It gave me some ideas of how I can do something similiar with my kindergarten students.

Lindsay said...

I LOVED your power point! The ideas that were integrated in it were wonderful. I learned things about ladybugs that I never knew. I also liked the kidspiration and pixie ideas as well. Thanks for posting!