“Digital Natives’ view technology as an environment, not a tool.” – John Couch, VP Apple Education.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Click" for the Correct Answer

SRS (student response systems) are becoming very popular. I have been in several classes over the past week aiding the teachers in the use of our Senteo system. Three of our 3rd grade classes involved the parents using them during Parent Night last week. They played a game that they called "Are you Smarter than a 3rd Grader." The parents were able to experience the response systems their child will be using during this school year. Our science teachers are using them to relieve "test anxiety" for our first and second grade students. They are giving the same test they have always used, but most of the students are less stressed by using the clicker. They also are able to print the results for documentation of the students' progress. I found this article to give more detailed information about SRS. The article Survey Says... by Jeffrey Branzberg from Tech&Learning explains SRS and compares the various products.


Diane said...

I think the SRS system is so good for relieving test anxiety for kids. This technology serves to enhance student performance and is much appreciated by me-one who used to have a great deal of test anxiety as a child. Thanks for providing the article.

Misty Rollins said...

I never thought about the SRS system helping to release text anxiety. I think that is great to have to tool such as this to use. It also seems to really engage the students as well.